20 Beauty Tips; Definitely Useful

Tips 1: Not only girls but also boys can benefit by following these tips. Avoid the sun as much as possible. Use umbrellas and sunglasses. Use sunscreen whenever you go outside. Tips 2: Always apply sunscreen whenever you go to a swimming pool, beach, or snow, as sunlight is reflected more in water or ice. Tips 3: Grind or grind sesame seeds, mix a little water in it, and filter it. You will get a white-colored liquid; apply it on the face, especially on the sunburned area. The skin will become fair. Tips 4: Apply yogurt on the face to make the skin fairer. Keep it for twenty minutes, then wash off. Apply this at least three days a week. Tips 5: Even if you wash your face regularly with milk, the skin becomes fairer. Tips 6: If you have oily skin, follow the following steps to make your skin brighter and fairer. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and egg whites, apply it on your face for twenty minutes, and then wash it off. Tips 7: Make a mixture by mixing gram flour, curd, and a little turmeric to brighten the complexion. Use it regularly instead of soap while bathing. Tips 8: Many times hands, feet, knees, and elbows turn black. In this case, mix half a cup of papaya peel, one tablespoon watermelon juice, one tablespoon lemon juice, half egg white, one tablespoon honey together. Apply this mixture where needed. Allow it to dry, then rinse. Tips 9: If your skin is dry, cool two teaspoons of raw milk, two teaspoons of potato juice and use it as a cleanser. Tips 10: For dry skin, mix sandalwood, malai, and a little turmeric together and apply it on the face. Skin will be brighter and fairer. Tips 11: Mix a pinch of saffron in raw milk and apply it on your face every day for fifteen days. Tips 12: For those who have oily skin, mix mung bean powder with a little water and scrub your face once a week because the layer of dead cells accumulates on the skin, making the facial skin look black. Tips 13: People with oily skin can be fair in another way. Mix one teaspoon of dried orange peel powder, one teaspoon of fenugreek powder, and orange juice. Apply this mixture on the face and neck, then wash it off with water. Tips 14: Take half a piece of ripe banana, mix it well and add a few drops of cucumber juice. Then apply it on the face for about half an hour and wash with cold water. Tips 15: For those who have dry skin, soak a teaspoon of red lentil powder in milk overnight. Then apply it on the face and neck and wash off after twenty minutes. Tips 16: Beat fruit and milk together and massage this mixture on your face and body for two minutes every day. Then wash with cold water. Tips 17: Mix besan and pure mustard oil together and apply it all over the body before bathing to brighten the skin. Leave it in the paste for half an hour and take a bath. Tips 18: Mix honey and a few drops of lemon juice and apply it on your face for fifteen minutes. While honey will brighten your skin, the natural bleaching properties of lemon will make the skin fairer. Tips 19: Be aware that even fair-skinned people can have dark lips. However, don't be disheartened for that. Mixing a few drops of lemon juice with honey and massage cream and massaging your lips twice a day can yield results within a few weeks. However, it's important to use this regimen consistently and faithfully. This will help lighten the dark color under your eyes as well. Tips 20: When the skin on your elbows, knees, and the soles of your feet turns dark, it can look quite unpleasant. To get rid of this issue, mix two teaspoons of salt, two teaspoons of sugar, and one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass bottle and keep it in the fridge. Extract the juice of a lemon and a lime daily or take the mixture out from the bottle and apply it to the affected areas. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then wash it off with water and massage with a good cream.
