Gerund ও Infinitive উভয়েই Verb+ Noun এর কাজ করে সেজন্য অনেক সময় একটির পরিবর্তে অন্যটি ব্যবহার করা যায়। যেমন ঃ-
1. Reading is learning. [Gerund]
2. To read is to learn. [Infinitive].
--এরকম আরও কিছু Verb এর তালিকা দিলাম,দেখুন ঃ-
* to begin, to start, to continue, to attempt, to intend, to love, to like , to hate, to remember, to regret, to try, to permit, to allow, to mean ইত্যাদি।
এবার নিচের verb গুলো লক্ষ্য করুন, এগুলোর পর উপযুক্ত Preposition বসবে এবং Preposition এর পর সবসময় Gerund ব্যবহৃত হবে, Infinitive নয়।
* abstain, addict, afraid, aim, assist, debar, expel, fond, insist, finish, pardon, prevent, understand, ইত্যাদি।
Example :-
1. He is insisted on going away.
2. You are fond of reading novels.
3. My father prevented me from going.
---- এমন কিছু verb আছে যেগুলোর পর শুধু Gerund ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমন ঃ-
* advise, avoid, consider, admit, confess, deny, defer, delay, endure, enjoy, escape, fancy, finish, stop, resent, recollect, postpone, suggest, imagine, keep, involve, resist, can't stand, can't help, it's no use ইত্যাদি।
Example :-
1. Please stop talking.
2. Have you finished cooking?
3. We enjoyed hearing his talks.
4. Most women enjoy shopping.
5. He suggested waiting till evening.
6. Forgive me interrupting you.
7. I can't help laughing.
8. It is no use looking through window.
--- সবশেষে, মনে রাখবেন dare, decide, desire, endeavor, hope, offer, refuse, pretend, promise, want, swear ইত্যাদি verb এর পর infinitive বসে।
Example :-
1. I expect to receive a letter from mother tomorrow.
2. We decided to go to Chittagong by air.
সৌজন্য পোস্ট
[-( nice and creative post